A bit about me

Hi, and welcome to my blog, Eternity is Forever.

I will be writing about things that I have seen and or experienced in my short walk with the Lord.
I would like to say that I am not a pastor, teacher, apostle, prophet or any other titled person that an awful lot of people like to call themselves these days.
I am simply someone who happens to be a born again Christian.
I don’t profess to know everything and I never will know everything.  I am still in the learning process, as is everyone, but through a strange set of events,  I have had a crash course in certain areas which I will delve into as I go along. (My walk actually started backwards and I was thrown into the deep end at first, but now I am getting back to basics and getting a better understanding of God’s word and, of course, going through the refining process along the way. )

 I am non-denominational and I don’t believe that the bricks and mortar building is the Church. The Church is made up of the repentant born-again believers in Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, that he was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and willingly died on the cross in place of humankind, and was resurrected and now sits on the right hand of God.

This blog will mostly be about Christian/spiritual matters, but I will more than likely write about something that has been bothering me or other observations I make as I go about my life.

You will never see me ask for money from anybody, however there are some affiliate links on this blog. (Actually, only one at the moment, but that could change in the future.) That means that if you purchase anything through those affiliate links through this blog, I will receive a small percentage of the sale. I will not recommend anything that I do not like myself in order to make money, that’s not who I am. I will only recommend products/websites etc that I personally use. For example, I have an affiliate link to a website which sells character building curriculums and products. I cannot vouch for every product on the website, only the one I have recommended. It’s not necessary to purchase anything you see on here through this site, but if you do, know that it will truly be appreciated and used wisely.

I hope you like my blog and if you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask.  Also, if you do like what you read, please let your friends and family know and share it however you like, all I ask is that if you share it, please include a live link back to this blog. Thanks.
May this blog be a blessing to you and also to me.  🙂

P.S I have a page on facebook now. Feel free to ‘like’ it and meet some other Christians for fellowship and friendship.

Just another little note. All scriptures quoted are from the King James Version bible.

13 thoughts on “A bit about me

    • I plan on doing a post soon about the false teachers/prophets out there.
      I know Bill Johnson is one but I have not heard of Guillermo. I will do some research on him and see what I can find.
      Thank you for your support Bill. 🙂

  1. Thank you for your time and effort in getting the Word out. I have been a believer for many years, am non denominational, and do not have a home church by choice. I have struggled with my spiritual life for as long as I can remember. I love the Lord and pray daily that I once again find that place of peace that I once had. Your sites help me in realizing that I need to keep the Word in me, so that it can be lived through me. Thanks again and may God bless and keep you strong.

    • Hi Sarah,
      Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. I hope you will be blessed by this blog if you drop by again.
      If you would like to read more that I write, then please head on over to the facebook page I set up to join with this blog.
      I post there a bit more often, because what I write there isn’t usually enough to make up a blog post.
      Thanks again and God bless. 🙂

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