Did God use the “Big Bang”?


I was talking to someone at work recently about things like unicorns in the Bible, and she said to me that she doesn’t believe in God. She then said that she believes in science and the “big bang”. I asked her where all the elements to form the big bang came from but she didn’t really have an answer. (I have asked several people that same question and they couldn’t really answer either.)

Fast forward to now and I was just reading something when that question came to my mind, and so immediately did an answer. The ‘big bang’ and evolution go directly against God’s word, so why would God have used the big bang to create the universe? In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Secondly He created light. Then He created a firmament. How did He create those things? Let’s have a look – Genesis 1:3,6 states “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. & And God said, Let there be a firmament…” God spoke those things into existence. Nowhere does it say that God used anything other than His own voice to create anything – there isn’t even a hint of any ‘big bang’ in any of those statements, nor, from my understanding, does the Bible even mention anything about a big bang let alone God using one.

If you believe that the chaotic, out of order process of the big bang came first and everything was created in and through that, where was God when this happened? Did He allow something that was out of His control? Did He allow disorder and chaos to cause something to happen over millions, or even billions of years, that He called “good” remembering that God is the God of peace and not confusion. (Now, I know disorder, confusion and chaos, I have children, and disorder, confusion and chaos aren’t “good”!! 🤣)

Another thing to think of is that the big bang pushes the theory of evolution, which also goes directly against God’s word. Let’s look at how the Bible says man was formed/created. Genesis 2:7,8 says “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.”

So, you either believe God’s word that He formed a human from dust and gave him life, or you believe that humans were formed over billions of years from 1 tiny atom, to a molecule, to some kind of living, breathing creature, which then mutated and changed into another species, which, again, then mutated and changed into another species, and on and on until we were here. (Also remembering that it is scientifically proven that life can only come from life and that mutations do not add to the genetics but detract from them.) How did these ‘beings’ of no description survive in the transitional stages without eyes, noses, intestinal tracts, filtration systems, digestive juices, waste outlets, skin, muscles, bones, lungs etc? Which organ or part came first and could that creature have survived without several of them at the one time?

Next think about procreation. Not only would you have to believe that this happened ONCE randomly by mutation from one atom, to goo to human, but it also had to make a gender in there somewhere. Let’s say it was a man. How did he reproduce? Did he have the inner workings to be able to fertilise himself and not only carry an offspring but give birth to it and then feed it? Or did evolution realise that it needed a female, so these mutations from atoms cause another human being to form from goo to human, but made it a female?
Then you need to add to that every single plant that has ever lived, every single tree, food (nuts, berries, herbs, fruit, vegetables, grains), bird, animal, human, sun, clouds, moon, tides, water cycle, etc has come from that first bang..

As I’m typing this up, this verse comes to mind – “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15 I can’t help but in my mind to change the word here “serve” to ‘believe’ for these examples above – ‘as for me and my house, we will believe the LORD’.

If I’m honest with you, it takes more faith to believe that than it does to believe that God’s word says what it means, and means what it says, when it says that ‘In the beginning, God created..’ Why is it so hard for professing Christians to believe that God created? How are we meant to witness to the unbelieving if we ourselves don’t believe? You will also find that there are many in the Church who believe that creation is a “side issue”, not one of importance to salvation, but I question that. If a person is truly saved and born again with God’s Holy Spirit, will they continue to believe the lies or will they be led into all truth as John 16:13 seems to say? Please don’t get me wrong here though, I believe a person can still be saved and believe error, but through the journey the Holy Spirit of God will lead them into the truth. All people have different journeys and will learn things at different times. Two of the first major things I learnt about in my journey were witchcraft and rock music, possibly because they were 2 defining influences in my life and had to go right away. Another one was drugs. That was one of the first things I gave up as well.
I don’t believe creation is a “side issue” because it isn’t. If you don’t believe what God says in His word right from the beginning, and you question it, that leaves the door open for the unbelieving to doubt as well. If Christians find it so hard to believe, is it any wonder that the world doesn’t believe?